Tony Lawlor


Hi, I am Tony Lawlor, a UK based Fractional FD. Born and bred in Dublin, I have lived in England for over 30 years and now work with a range of SME’s helping them develop business plans, providing strategic insight and overcoming the various challenges facing businesses today. I work with a variety of clients managing a range of finance and non-finance-related tasks. I am very motivated and creative and strive to be successful in every endeavour. My goal is to excel and provide the best client service, comes back to my ability to connect, understand, and work with people at all levels in an organisation, understanding their needs and providing the best solution. I am also an Agile Consultant for Grant Thornton, a network of contract professionals and work with valued clients on a project-by-project basis providing a range of support. As part of a Start, Build and Grow Business Programme, I deliver Finance training to new Start Ups in conjunction with the University of Suffolk. This project is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Included in the programme is a series of one-one mentoring over 6 months which provides guidance from concept to launch to ongoing support. If you would like to see how I can help you expand into the UK market, send me a message, or book some time in my diary.

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